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Welcome to Peeranha!

  • edg tag 1
  • edg tag 2

Welcome to Peeranha! We're glad to have you here and excited for your first post. Here are a few things to keep in mind while you're publishing: Make sure to choose the appropriate Community and Type for your post. Only make posts that will result in valuable information. Remember to check that the same post hasn’t already been published. Please, avoid spamming, self-promotion, financial advice, bullying, and discrimination. We expect all members of our community to treat each other with respect and kindness. For complete rules please read the art

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Edgeware is a proof-of-stake smart contract blockchain developed by Commonwealth Labs that was created as an experiment in cryptocurrency community building and on-chain governance. Edgeware was built using Parity's Substrate library and intends to integrate with Polkadot as a parachain after Polkadot's main net launch. Edgeware introduced a novel token distribution mechanism called a lockdrop- a modified version of an airdrop that requires participants to send ETH (or other cryptocurrency) to a personalized timelocked contract in order to receive an EDG allocation. Edgeware contains mechanisms for community members to establish on-chain identities, as well as vote on changes to the protocol and allocate communal treasury funds.

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